To prepare to be seasoned entrepreneurs, they need to understand what marketing is, how it works, what is marketed and who does the marketing. The entrepreneur should be able to spot and choose the right market segment(s), differentiate offerings, respond to the customer who buys on price, compete against lower cost, lower price competitors, branding of business, keeping customers loyal and improving sales force productivity.
The entrepreneur should have skills on marketing for each segment to sell their products. When the entrepreneur has the right information, he can easily make informed decisions thereby leading to an increase in productivity of business.
The curriculum aims at enabling participants to learn the marketing management order to strengthen the marketing competencies of existing entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, employing mainly andragogical principles and methodologies such as structured learning experiences and other approaches used in CEFE. CEFE Bhutan initiated the development of a modular program focusing on important functional areas in small and medium businesses. These programs are short courses with an emphasis on running small businesses successfully.
Marketing situation review
1 Review of Current Marketing Effectiveness
2 Strategic Marketing Audit
Marketing strategy analysis and Evaluation
3 Marketing Concept & Marketing Mix
4 Market Segmentation and Targeting Marketing
5 Marketing Alternatives Exercise
6 SCAMPER model
7 Market Research
Marketing plan formulation and Presentation
8 Introduction to Marketing Plan
9 Marketing Strategy Formulation
10 Marketing Action Plan Preparation
11 Strategic Implementation and Control
12 Marketing Plan Presentation and Finalization
- To develop marketing action plan
- 2.To develop Marketing research for the product
- 3.To increase the revenue
- Businessman/woman
- Entrepreneurs
- Aspiring Entrepreneur